Facebook Ads will *most of the time* show you things you're interested in to entice you to purchase them. Other times, they are the most ridiculous products that totally miss the mark! Here are mine that had me laughing out loud instead of clicking "Add to Cart."
All the talk over the past couple of months is about the big companies leaving the land of Lincoln, well that trend just changed with Google's parent company making a huge investment purchase here in Illinois.
The Superbowl Commercials are usually the highlight of the whole night for most people. Last night I didn't get to watch a lot of the commercials but the Google "Loretta" commercial literally pulled at every single one of my heartstrings.
This week's "The Rob & Kat Chat" is absolutely ridiculous! We found a great report that shares the data of some of the most absurd "how to..." question that people are asking Google. The data then gets broken down by each state, and then we get to point and laugh at it!