Watch this video, and suddenly all your problems seem pretty small. Gavin, 4, is completely blind. This video shows him stepping off a curb unassisted for the first time. It makes you realize how easy you have it. And also that there is so much dust in the room, and it just keeps getting in your eyes...
Little August doesn't want help buckling her car seat. In fact, she recommends that you "worry 'bout yourself!" We love it. It's like the polite toddler version of "why don't you mind your own business, jerk?"
There's a double-standard when comes to the use of curse words. When I do it, I'm labeled vulgar or low-brow, but when a child does it because they're either too young to know better, or they're having difficulty pronouncing a completely different word, it's adorable and laugh out loud funny.
Kids can be pretty fearless sometimes. Usually it's because they haven't learned the consequences of the actions they're about to take. Take the old "don't touch the stove because it's hot" example. Until a kids experiences the pain of touching a hot stove firsthand, they don't have fear of getting burned. Then you have this 3-year old girl from Wellington, New Zealand who stares fear in