Spring Forward Saturday Night for Daylight Savings Time [Poll]
It's that time again (tick, tock, tick, tock) when we "spring forward" for daylight savings time! Saturday night before you go to bed, move all the clocks ahead one hour so that you're not running behind all day Sunday. Of course, there's bound to be at least one clock that you'll forget to change, which you'll notice in the morning and then panic over before you realize that you forgot to reset it - LOL! So how did all this nonsense begin, anyway?
Benjamin Franklin was one of the first people to think of the idea in 1784, while he was visiting in Paris. But "modern day" daylight savings time is attributed to George Vernon Hudson. While some people were interested in Hudson's idea, it was not pursued far enough or carried through.
It turns out that William Willett gets the honor of the invention of daylight savings time. He came up with the idea of moving clocks forward in the summer to take advantage of morning daylight and lighter evenings. The idea was still not made official by being made into law until World War I in 1916. The reason? To save fuel for the war effort. However, after the war, standard time became the staple once again.
Daylight savings time was reinstated once again during World War II, and then once the war was over, dropped again. Due to massive confusion across the country over the clocks changing, Congress finally created the Uniform Time Act of 1966 that said daylight savings time would begin on the last Sunday of April and end on the last Sunday in October. If states wanted to be exempt from DST, they could pass a local ordinance.
With more changes being made throughout the years, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 finally made daylight savings time effective (as of 2007) in the United States from the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November.
Personally, I love DST and wish we would stay on it all year round instead of switching back to central standard time. What do you think?