Last week Dave Spencer wrote a story on the new playground being constructed at Horse Fork Creek Park.  This week we've got a sneak peek and the opening date.

Memorial Day Weekend is a much anticipated day all over for water lovers as Spray Parks and Pools open in the public parks and private sectors.

The Daviess County Parks & Recreation Department has something extra special to celebrate this summer with the new addition to Horse Fork Creek Park.  The playground will feature something that all playgrounds should have and that is a shade structure.

It never fails every single year when we head to the park in the summer I have to check the slides and the equipment before Tuck and Charlotte go to play.  There have been a few times I have forgotten to check and they get a burned booty and we have tears.  A hot slide or swing can totally ruin a visit to the park.

The very best part about the park is the fact that it is all-inclusive meaning it will take both the physical and social barriers to play out and include everyone.

The design is bright and beautiful and the kids are going to absolutely love all the different areas of play.  It features musical instruments, an all-inclusive teeter-totter, slides, ramps, and more.

The new playground as well as all the spray parks in the county and the city will open on Saturday to mark the beginning of summer for Owensboro folks.

Daviess County Parks & Recreation Department Director says they will hold a formal ribbon-cutting at a later day.

SEE: New Horse Fork Creek Park Playground

The Daviess County Parks & Recreation Department has something extra special to celebrate this summer with the new addition to Horse Fork Creek Park.

Reid's Orchard Adds Their Own Petting Zoo To The Farm

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Here's a Sneak Peek of the New Exhibit Coming to Lake Malone Park

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