WKBT anchor Jennifer Livingston has apparently had some rude comments made about her weight.  Usually she just brushes the attacks on her weight off, but this time she decided to take a stand, and I commend her for being so courageous and inspiring.  Also I found this video to be very appropriate because October is National Bullying month.


She received an email from a man who in my opinion is a rude, conceited jerk.  He had no right to say what he did to her.  I can't stand it when someone talks down to a person for being overweight, and then want to talk to them like they have no idea that they are overweight.  A good point that Jennifer brings up in her response to bullying.

Check out what the email said and Jennifers response:

I especially like the part where she talks about setting a good example for your kids.  She makes a very good point, about how if they see you talking about the overweight news anchor on TV they will probably repeat your words to other kids, and potentially lead to bullying.  I was bullied through Junior High for my weight, so I know exactly where Jennifer is coming from.  Even when you try to laugh it off it does hurt.  Thank goodness for Jennifer and myself, we both have very strong support systems.  Jennifer, overweight or not, is a beautiful person both inside and out and I commend her for standing up for herself.


Also a quick update, when I went to the WKBT facebook page I found where the man sent an email in reply to her on air response his email read:

Given this country's present epidemic of obesity and the many truly horrible diseases related thereto, and considering Jennifer Livingston's fortuitous position in the community, I hope she will finally take advantage of a rare and golden opportunity to influence the health and psychological well-being of Coulee Region children by transforming herself for all of her viewers to see over the next year, and, to that end, I would be absolutely pleased to offer Jennifer any advice or support she would be willing to accept."
-Kenneth W. Krause

I'm sorry, but wow.  In order to send emails like these, I'm sure Mr. Krause must be perfect.

I hope that this is a reminder to you, that while it may be easy to sit behind a computer screen and type rude and negative comments about someone, that you never know if that person is reading these comments.  You also never know how badly your words hurt them.

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