The snow is falling, and Christmas is just around the corner. This is a very special Christmas for me. This is the first Christmas that Mike, Elaina, Patton, Elizabeth, and I are celebrating as a family, and the tree is already decorated! Of course, every family has holiday traditions. They always start from a single act - trying something new, and then the next year you do it again, and the next, and the next... Well, you get the idea!







This year I am trying something new! I have been doing holiday shopping online. I've placed about 9 or so orders... Honestly, I've lost track. (I had better go back & check my emails!) I have ordered gifts for both of the girls, for little Patton, and for Mike. I even ordered our new Christmas stockings online - they match our tree!!



Yesterday, when I got home from work, I was super excited to find the first of my packages in the mail box! I felt like a little kid on Christmas as I opened the plain manilla padded envelope to see which of the presents was inside!!


I don't know yet if I'll be able to do ALL of my holiday shopping online, or if I'll eventually have to brave the holiday crowds, but one thing is for sure - I REALLY like shopping in my pajamas! This could be my new holiday tradition!

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