My daughter received her permit to drive several months ago but it really hit me this weekend just how grownup she is...

E driving
Photo Kat Mykals

You know, I still remember the first day of kindergarten. Walking into the hallway with her clingy tightly to my hand. She was terrified... and so was I. My baby girl was starting school. She wasn't so much of a baby anymore. When we got close to her classroom, she saw another child that she knew & suddenly was unafraid. She let go of my hand & ran to her friend. I remember she looked up at me with her big brown eyes and said, "I'm ok now, Mommy. You can go." My heart broke in that moment. She really wasn't a baby at all... Even though she never saw it, I cried when I walked away.

Fast forward just over a decade, and she has her permit to drive. In a few months she will have her license and in only two very short years, she will be graduating high school. My little girl isn't so little any more. I wish someone had told me how fast the years would fly by. In a flash she has gone from an adorable little girl in pigtails to a beautiful young woman behind the wheel of a car. I know there are still many more milestones to come and I look forward to watching her reach each of them. I was reminded this weekend just how blessed I am to have her in my life. I am a very lucky woman.

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