Crime has gotten so bad in Chicago that donation money was stolen from a church on the day after Christmas.

Christmastime Is Popular Time For Illinois Churches

I grew up Catholic, so I've experienced the religious version of the holiday season many times in my life. Regular attendees like my parents weren't big fans of the "part-timers" that would show up just for special days like Christmas. It was a good chance for the parish to receive extra donations though. The collection baskets would be overflowing. That money would be used for good causes in the community.

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Bauble Ornament in a real Christmas tree
Illinois Church Robbed During Holidays

Thieves Steal From Illinois Church During The Holidays

According to, 

There was no sign of the Christmas spirit when a church was burglarized Monday in Lincoln Park, according to police.


No one was immediately in custody but detectives were investigating, police said.

On the day after Christmas, someone broke into St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Chicago. They took the money out of the donation basket and also from a safe. Then, took off.

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Church Pews with Stained Glass Beyond Pulpit
Illinois Church Robbed During Holidays

This Crime Is Definitely Considered Bad Karma

Crime in Chicago has gotten so bad that I know several people who won't go there anymore for anything. This incident is proof of how low criminals in the Windy City will go. Hopefully, they will catch these thieves quickly and they will go to jail for a long time. There's also one other fate these bad people will have to face and that's karma. I think that could be even worse than prison.

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Police lights by night
Illinois Church Robbed During Holidays

The Most Bizarre Items Ever Stolen From Illinois Residents

My mom once told me that "people will steal anything that's not nailed down." Times certainly have changed since then. The thieves now have nail removers.

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