Indiana Host Family Introduces Exchange Student to ‘Eat Like a Pig’ Night #oink
Randy, how do the little piggies go?
That's right!
Now, show me how the piggies eat. This is your trough. Show me how the piggies eat! Be a good boy, show mommy how the piggies eat!
(Randy eats like a piggy and mommy laughs.)
If you don't remember this scene from A Christmas Story, let me refresh your memory. Here you go...
This ONE scene always kind of ruined the movie for me because I always thought - this is NOT based in reality. My mother would die before she told me or my brother to eat like a piggie. Just die. Poof. Xs over her eyes. Scene.
And to this day, I thought that the rest of the world was just like us. But this morning at 6 AM, I was proven WRONG.
I've written about this family before. My friend Perri Huddleston has a whole gaggle of kids. And this particular family is a riot. They are always pranking each other. For instance, one Mother's Day her kids gave her a digital picture frame that they could remotely upload photos. How sweet, right? WRONG. They loaded it with TERRIBLE doctored-up photos of Nicholas Cage. Gag.
And, I'm pretty sure someone placed a life-size cardboard cutout of him in her home once and it scared the ever-lovin' crap out of her though I can't seem to find photo evidence of that.
Then there are the notes that she finds are pretty epic too.
Today, I went to put something on my August calendar and I easily recognized that 1) This is not my writing and 2) This would not be what I would have written on my wall calendar.
Yep, almost choked on my coffee this morning.
Stopped by Andi‘s last night and saw this note on top of her sewing kit. Maybe I should’ve had a note like this and Jacob and Wes wouldn’t have used my fabric scissors to cut carpet they were removing.
Fun stuff, right? Well, the family took their "fun" status to the next level.
This past year, Perri's daughter Andi hosted an Austrian exchange student named Tara Injac at her home. With the school year coming to a close, Tara had to go home but their family wanted to send her home with one last great memory of the USA. So, they brought back a dinner tradition that is quite unusual.
Our final family dinner night with Tara brought back one of the most favorite traditions of the kids…”Eat Like a Pig” night.
Perri told me, "It started after the kids watched A Christmas Story with Randy eating like a pig. My granddaughter Sophie wanted to do it, so we did. It always involves biscuits and gravy and they love doing it! We are not your normal family."
A Christmas Story?! I knew it!
And here we have photo evidence that the entire family did, in fact, eat their breakfast for dinner like pigs. No hands-only snouts.
Nice touch with the gravy, Perri.
Tonight, I'll be making Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. I'm contemplating trying this with my family. But the biscuits and gravy thing is pretty perfect. I'll let you know how it goes.
Have a fun family? Share your wacky traditions with us at
SEE: 35 Personalized License Plates the Indiana BMV Rejected
- Carries a meaning or connotation offensive to good taste and decency;
- Would be misleading; or
- The BMV otherwise considers improper for issuance.
47 (Otherwise) Good Pets Caught Doing Bad Things