Scammers will take any opportunity to swindle you out of your hard-earned money. Usually, they try it with a phone call, a text message, or an e-mail claiming you're in some sort of trouble you didn't know about and that if you don't pay whatever made up fine they've concocted, the police are going to show up at your house, kick-in your door and haul your sorry butt to jail. But, some of them don't use fear tactics. Instead, they attempt to lure you in using something you may be interested in as bait. For example, being able to watch your favorite high school football team from the comfort of your own home.

Friday night is the start of football Sectionals in the state of Indiana as teams start their march toward making an appearance at Lucas Oil Stadium Thanksgiving Weekend for the chance to play in their class's state championship game. Throughout the regular season, the Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA), the governing body for all high school sports across the state, will stream games live through their website where fans of particular teams can watch the games for a fee. Despite a claim on Facebook, the Boonville versus Reitz opening round Sectional game is not one of those games.

The Boonville Athletic Department sent a tweet on Wednesday letting fans know the game would not be streaming online and that a Facebook event suggesting otherwise is a scam.

I did a quick search of Evansville Reitz vs. Boonville | Indiana High School Football Playoffs on Facebook, and several other events claiming to stream the game also popped up. Out of curiosity, I searched a few other games around the area including Forest Park vs. Mater Dei, North Posey vs. Crawford County, and Gibson Southern vs. Mt. Vernon. All of them led to the same result. I imagine the same would happen if you searched every team in the state.

The one commonality among them was that none of them directed you to the website. While it is possible those sites may stream the game live, they would be doing so illegally. Like major league sports, you must have permission from the IHSAA to stream, and even broadcast, any game. That includes regular season and postseason.

If you can't make it to a game in person and want to see if it's available to watch online, your best, and most importantly, safest, bet, is to visit to see if they are carrying it.

[Source: Boonville Pioneer Athletics on Twitter]

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