Evansville Woman Shares Terrifying Story of Being Stalked in Target
Always be aware of your surroundings.
Yesterday, an Evansville Woman shared the terrifying story of being followed by two men in two different east side businesses. Andi shared the following on Facebook:
" In hopes to help someone in the future I wanted to share a story about what I experienced today.. I went to the east side Target this afternoon (to get all those things I didn’t know I needed, duh) and as I was walking down a makeup aisle I noticed two guys at each end of the aisle talking into microphones on their earbuds .. though I thought it was suspicious I kept looking around and went down the next aisle to find the same thing happen.. these guys, looking at me, talking into their microphones.. after seeing them pass by me at least 5 more times, while in the makeup section, I decided to call my mom, drop my stuff and leave just to be safe! So next I head to TJ Maxx, again to get all those things I didn’t know I needed, and as I was looking at the clothes, I looked up to find the same men, walking in the next aisle, talking on their microphones looking up at me. At this point, I was getting very suspicious, called my mom of course and began walking toward a different section of the store. As they saw me walking away, they left the store and stood outside of the doors where I could still see them. So I told the next person I walked by of my worries and luckily a sweet girl walked out to my car with me after looking to make sure the guys weren’t around anymore. Moral of the story; Know your surroundings and trust your gut in those “this doesn’t seem right” moments! I have to admit, this shook me up! Though it could have been nothing, for these guys to follow me through 2 stores, seeming to be watching me was just freaky!! Target T.J.Maxx Evansville Police Department 14 NEWS
PS- YES, police were called. I was making sure I was safe before calling."
That's really scary stuff. This is a lesson to always be vigilant of what is going on around you. We often get so caught up in our phones that we lose sight of what's happening around us. Being aware of what is happening can often save your life.
You can check out the original post below.
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