Evansville Ronald McDonald House Hosting Tree Lighting Celebration Sunday
The Ronald McDonald House on Washington Avenue in Evansville will be lighting it's Christmas Tree this Sunday, and you're invited!
The House, located on the St. Vincent Hospital Campus, is one of many around the world that offers a home away from home for families who have children receiving treatment in area hospitals for extended periods of time. The facility allows the family, whose home may hours away, the opportunity to be close to their child while they work to get well.
Sunday's lighting ceremony was preceded by a visit from Evansville Thunderbolts players on Monday who took time away from the rink to stop by the House and decorate so it's ready to go for the season.
The ceremony begins at 4:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon and continues until 6:00 p.m. Outside the lighting of the tree, scheduled for 5:00 p.m., the event will also feature cookies, hot cocoa, and an opportunity for the kids to have their pictures taken with Santa Claus. You'll also have the chance to tour the facility, which I highly recommend if you've never been inside.
The event is free to attend and is open to all ages.
For the ninth straight year, Ronald McDonald House will be one of the recipients of our annual 911 Gives Hope for the Holidays Toy Drive with Henderson Chevrolet which begins this Friday morning at 6:00 a.m. in the east side Walmart parking lot and continues around the clock until 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening. Once again, our hope is that you will help us fill a 53-foot trailer full of toys that will be given to children spending the holidays in area hospitals. A feat you've never failed to do over the past eight years.
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