Evansville Houseplant Share Facebook Group Brings Local Plant People Together
My Not So Little Secret
So, listen. I'm going to let you in on a secret if you promise not to tell anyone. Anyone at all...
I'm going to be 40 in a few days.
I remember when I turned 21. Fun times - being trusted by the government to consume alcohol was a very adult thing. I remember when I turned 30. I was pregnant so, naturally, you become even more of an adult when a tiny human's life literally depends on you. But it wasn't until just recently, around age 40, that I hit full-on adult maturity. I learned how to properly care for my plants.
I Became a Pandemic Plant Parents
During the pandemic, friendships were few and far between. You couldn't go anywhere or do anything fun. So, you had to work with what you had. I was about sick of my husband and daughter after the first month. The only living creatures left were my dog, my cat, and my houseplants. My cat is a holy terror and my dog is a needy little thing who pretends he wants snacks but then turns his nose up at whatever you give him. The houseplants were really the only ones left with whom I could have a deep conversation. And boy, did we. (I wish I was kidding about this. It was a trying time.)
When I was working at home, we ate lunch together. We told jokes around the watering can. We shared the best of times - we shared the worst of times. I started really caring for them and catering to their individual needs. My hard work paid off, I currently have a jungle growing in my dining room under a grow light. They love me and have pledged their undying devotion to me, their leader. I like them so much that I've been clipping and propagating new plants at an alarming rate. My plan is to thrift some cute planters this summer and give them away as gifts next Christmas. But you never know, I might just continue to grow my little army and take over the world...

Evansville Houseplant Share on Facebook
Apparently, I'm not the only one who really loves their houseplants. Lots of people take great pride in their little in-home forests. I didn't even realize it was National Houseplant Day until I saw it in the Evansville Houseplant Share group. Yes, there's a Facebook group here in Evansville where you can give away plants or acquire plants for free. The about section states, "Plant sharing, swapping, giving away plants, or just talking about plants in general. Fun!" Talking plants is fun and I'm here for it. But there are rules about keeping the conversation ONLY to houseplants. "We kindly ask that you keep posts in this group strictly houseplant-related. there are other local groups for posting outdoor plants, herbs, vegetables, etc. this group is for houseplants only."
I've seen posts where people can't get a plant to thrive and they make the selfless choice of adopting it out. I should probably do that for my succulents. I've seen people who post where you can get houseplants on the cheap or exotic houseplants locally. And, I've even seen people giving away gorgeous pots and gorgeous plants. I've never actually been fast enough to claim one but man, it's fun to see what other foliage my neighbors can grow.
If you also love houseplants, take the plunge and join the Evansville Houseplant Share Facebook group today. And if you see a houseplant I might want, send it my way! I am going to be 40 in a few! :)
LOOK: 20 tips to help your houseplants survive the winter
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