Evansville Guy Turns to Evansville B/S/T to Get Formal Date
I feel like you can't do this...
In 2018, you could ask a girl or guy to a formal dance just by asking them in person or shooting them a text. Or you could do what one guy is doing (or his friend is doing) and post yourself "for sale" on an Evansville Buy/Sell/Trade group. That is what this guy is doing.
This mystery man can be your formal date for the low price of a cheap bottle of whiskey. I like the arm over the face pose, as it has both a Phantom of the Opera myteriousness mixed with the "what are you hiding?" creepiness.
Anyway, if you have been looking for a date, this dude is available. He's wearing a Cubs hat, so he can't be too bad of a guy, right?