De-Junk. De-clutter. Be Clean.
If you're like me, you likely have way too much stuff sitting around collecting dust. You know, the things that you never use, never touch, and never wear... Spring cleaning time is here, and it's time to de-junk, de-clutter, and be clean. Now the real questions are where to begin and what to do with it all! Lifehacker.com has broken it all down into 3 basic steps... Identify. Get rid of. And Stay clutter free...
First, you need to sort out your excess. Categorize the items you're sorting through so you can concentrate on each separately. These categories should include things like books, clothing, cables, and gadgets. They can even be more specific, if you have a hobby hording problem. For example, puzzles and board games, photo albums, and sports equipment are all examples of potentially less-common things that can easily build up in your home. If you notice anything taking up just a little too much space, it needs to be a category on your list.
To find out more about cleaning up, getting organized, and staying that way check out the full story HERE