Can You Believe It? Experts Find the Laziest Town in Illinois
We all have lazy tendencies. We work hard and there are days that we just want to lay on the couch, eat potato chips, and binge-watch TV every now and then. There is a town in Illinois that was just named the laziest in the state.
This new ranking has nothing to do with every so often lounge day we take (or should take more off), but more with the lack of exercise that the town doesn't do. Let's face it there are days when those of us who exercise have to dig down deep to get that energy to get a workout in. I have no room to talk I hate going to the gym. So which city is the laziest?
That would be Danville, Illinois.
The city has around 77,000 people that live there and according to 24/7 Wallst 27% of residents in Danville are not exercising, 18% report fair or poor health, and the obesity rate is at 35%. Yikes. Now, it's also reported that 24% of the residents don't have access to places for exercise which could be a reason why the numbers are so high in Danville.
How do these experts figure out the laziest city?
They looked at two important factors.
the share of adults in a metro area who are not exercising during their leisure time, and the share of the population who doesn’t live reasonably close to a location for physical activity.
I found this really interesting too 11 of the top 15 states that are the laziest are making in the south, and adults in Colorado exercise the most.
Mississippi and Arkansas are the two states in which adults exercised the least — more than 30% of adults in each state get no physical activity.
So moral of the story, get up and go for a walk or bike ride and leave the bag of chips at home.