Calm Down, The New ‘Henderson County Kentucky’ Facebook Page is Fake, People
This morning, I was scrolling through Facebook and noticed that one of my relatives shared something kind of shocking. At first, I thought it was a photo of someone's Easter dinner - a whole roasted pig but then I noticed the paws and claws. Pork doesn't have paws and claws. It was a fried possum. Ew!
The post read, "Make sure to come out to Tri-Fest 2019 in #DownTownHenderson and try some of the fabulous local cuisine! Nothing screams #HendersonPride like a nice warm meth pipe and some good deep fried opossum! #yum"
Obviously, this riled some people up because the page, @cityofhendersonkentucky looks pretty official. It even cites as its website and the page is listed as a government page. But, it's one of those satire pages. No one over at City Hall is posting on this page. I repeat, no government employee or intern is posting negative things to the official Henderson KY Facebook page. If you are looking for the REAL Henderson, KY, facebook page, it's right here! And, if the satire page is that offensive to you, just block it!