Watch Sweet Boy Play Peek-a-Boo With Toddler Gorilla at Zoo
It's a shame kids have to go back to school because they're missing out on these precious moments.
In the most "awwww"-inducing video you'll see today, a two-year-old boy named Isaiah at Ohio's Columbus Zoo and Aquarium plays peek-a-boo with a young gorilla.
The gorilla, named Kamoli, is also two years old. The pair is adorable, frolicking on opposite sides of the glass.
Isaiah's mother explained how the little play date got started:
He was just looking at the gorillas and we said to him 'Isaiah what do the gorillas do?' and he started pounding his chest."
That was more than enough to entice Kamoli.
Eventually, both toddlers sapped their energy and they moved on from each other. When Isaiah left, he simply said, "Bye gorilla."
Yup, school really pales in comparison.