Born and raised in Rhode Island, I am definitely a New England girl, having worked in Providence, Worcester, New London in Connecticut and now here in New Bedford. I absolutely love football, hanging with my two amazing daughters, and in my free time, I'm usually on my couch knitting (yep, like a little old lady).
Nancy Hall
Fall River’s Lizzie Borden House Being Sold to Ghost Tour Company
It was only on the market for about two months, and now the Lizzie Borden murder house is just about officially sold – and to the perfect buyer, it seems.
Kids Across the Globe Making Rainbows for Their Windows – Here’s Why
Being without friends and school is definitely a difficult adjustment for kids. They are, in general, more social than adults -- and certainly need a lot more activity than most adults, too.
Toddler’s Hug Helps Pizza Man After Heartbreaking Tragedy
A super sweet moment between a 2-year-old boy and a pizza delivery driver was caught on video and is guaranteed to give you all the feels.