11th Anniversary Flash Special: $50 Adoption Fee for Animals at ITV Rescue Center
11 years ago to the day It Takes a Village No-Kill Canine Rescue opened their kennels and started finding fur-ever homes for pets.
Saving Animals, Helping People
I can tell you first-hand that bringing a new pet into your home can be the best thing you've ever done. Not only because you've saved a dog or cat that has been in a kennel for too long. Adopting a furry family member can add more fun, laughter, and love into your home. We adopted Harlie from It Takes a Village in 2017. She had been abused in terrible ways. Someone actually put out cigarettes on her head. Heartbreaking. But, once Harlie was with us, she lived her best life ever and brought so much joy into our lives.
Flash Special:
To celebrate their 11th anniversary, It Takes a Village is running a special on all animals that are over six months old, and currently in the shelter. This special is only Friday, July 21, 2023, from 12 PM - 5 PM.
FLASH SPECIAL!! Happy Anniversary to us!! 11 years ago today we opened our location at 1417 N. Stockwell, Evansville! In celebration, all animals living at the ITV Rescue Center over 6 months old will have a reduced adoption fee of only $50!! Lets get some animals into home today!! See our adoptable animals at ITVrescue.org or come see us today between 12-5!!
Happy Gotcha Day to Hank
"We adopted Hank (formerly Clyde) at your grand opening event 11 years ago. He’s living his best lazy life!"~ Jennifer Howes