Most of us are reasonable human beings capable of understanding that you hold a chainsaw by its handle, not it's blade. Apparently, most companies don't want to take a chance.

Forbes Magazine has a feature on their website today where they've compiled 24 of the most "stunningly dumb warning labels" from a variety of products including "Warning: May Contain Eggs"...on a carton of eggs (which begs the question, if they don't, what do they contain? You know what, I'd rather not know).  Another one featured on a box of a popular over-the-counter sleep aid reads "May Cause Drowsiness". If it doesn't, can I get my money back?

The obvious question here is, "why?"

Is it because companies think that we're too stupid to know better? Some may, but I doubt it. And if they do, they're certainly not going to say it to our faces. Remember a number of years ago when McDonald's was slapped with a lawsuit from a costumer because they burned themselves when they spilled a cup of McDonald's coffee in their lap? The basis of that suit was that there was no warning on the cup saying the coffee was served hot. Anyone like you or I with an ounce of common sense would say, "of course it's's coffee!! Unless the word 'iced' is first, be careful!" But a judge didn't see that way and ruled in favor of the customer. Next time you enjoy some McDonald's coffee, take a look at the cup. Guess what you'll find.

And THAT'S the reason these companies put what seem to be obvious warnings on thier products. We as a society have become so greedy and lawsuit happy that companies have to consider nearly every scenerio their product could be involved in and warn us against the dangers of using that product in manner for which it was not intended. You can read the article in its entierty here. 

And if you've read a warning label that made you say, "Well, duh!" share it with me in the comment box below.

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