10 Scholarships for College Bound Seniors
Maybe you waited a little too long to start applying for scholarships. Maybe the idea of applying for student loans is becoming a little too real. Fortunately, there are still plenty of scholarships accepting applicants through spring. Here are ten chances to make a dent in the cost of tuition, ordered by deadline:
Award amount: $1,000
Deadline: March 1, 2014
The word "essay" might set your teeth on edge after being obligated to write them for the last four years, but for just a little hard work (minimum of 800 words), you might be given $1,000. Tip: If you've already written a similar essay for a class or college application, just rework it.
Award amount: $1,000
Deadline: March 5, 2014
Submit an original image showing how you want to "frame your future." The image can be a photograph, collage, poem, drawing, painting, or whatever visual you can come up with. As an added bonus, deciding what you want your future to look like will help you focus your ideas about what you want to do after college.
Award amount: $1,000
Deadline: March 7, 2014
The topic of this essay is, "Why is it important that we have news media that are independent of the government?" The word requirement is only 300-500, and you've probably written twice that amount taking notes in a history class, so what's the harm in trying?
Award amount: $500 - $1,000
Deadline: March 28, 2014
The word requirement of this essay is 1,000 words, but once you start writing on the topic, "How did you plan to achieve success in the face of the unknown?" you might just start to feel the words pouring out. As a high school graduate finally entering an uncertain world, it's a question you need to have an answer for.
Award amount: $1,000
Deadline: May 1, 2014
To enter this scholarship, make a YouTube video, tweet or status update about reducing, reusing and recycling, or make something cool out of a used printer cartridge, laser toner, or old printer. You can enter this one multiple times, so get creating!
Award amount: $1,000 - $5,000
Deadline: March 17, 2014
On top of winning some money for college, you'll also have the chance to save some lives by creating a 25- or 50-second video that encourages your friends to avoid distracted driving. Just keep in mind that there's no real-life texting while driving allowed in entries.
Award amount: $5,000-$30,000
Deadline: March 22, 2014
Starting February 4th, students from K-12 will have a chance to enter artwork for the Google homepage. The four national finalists will win a $5,000 scholarship each, and the national winner will get a whopping $30,000 scholarship plus an assortment of goodies. The odds of winning are low, but the contest itself is so fun that it can't hurt to try.
Award amount: $3,000
Deadline: April 3, 2014
Enter to win money just by playing a game with friends. It's really that simple. You and six friends play through a game of Would You Rather? with lessons in between about how to save money and manage your finances.
Award amount: $1,000
Deadline: April 11, 2014
It's a new year, but most things are just the same. If you could permanently change something about the world, or even about yourself, what would you choose? Answer the question in the form of a poem, in any style, for a chance to win.
Award amount: $1,000
Deadline: April 28, 2014
Are you disabled, or do you know a disabled person? It would be difficult to narrow the experience of a disabled person to a one-act play, but do it sensitively and meaningfully and you could win $1,000 and be discovered as a playwright.