Holidays in the Tri-State

Welcome to your comprehensive guide to holiday happenings in the tri-state!

Let's Wrap!
Let's Wrap!
Let's Wrap!
Are you a wiz with wrapping? Love to give back and make a difference? Help our friends at the Tri-State Alliance raise money for the AIDS Holiday Project by volunteering to wrap gifts at Barnes & Noble this holiday season.
Warning: Christmas Gift and Secret Sister Gift Exchange on Facebook a Scam
Warning: Christmas Gift and Secret Sister Gift Exchange on Facebook a Scam
Warning: Christmas Gift and Secret Sister Gift Exchange on Facebook a Scam
  Ah the holidays - a time when there's good will towards men, right?! Not always. You may have seen a"Christmas Gift" or “Secret Sister” gift exchange making its way around Facebook. And you may have even been tempted to share the following message that has been popping up on everyone’s Facebook feed this week: With all the negativity around us, let’s create some positivity over the nex
Vanderburgh Sheriff’s Department Conducting DUI Checkpoint Wednesday Night
Vanderburgh Sheriff’s Department Conducting DUI Checkpoint Wednesday Night
Vanderburgh Sheriff’s Department Conducting DUI Checkpoint Wednesday Night
Tonight is the biggest night of the year for area bars as family and friends come into town in preparation for their Thanksgiving celebrations. To be sure everyone enjoys the holiday responsibly, the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Department and Evansville Police Department will be conducting a DUI checkpoint someone in town to make sure no one is driving when they shouldn't be.
Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipe – Parmesan Broccoli Rice Casserole
Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipe – Parmesan Broccoli Rice Casserole
Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipe – Parmesan Broccoli Rice Casserole
When we had our annual Thanksgiving pot luck lunch at the station recently, I decided to whip up my Mom's Broccoli Rice Casserole, but added my own little twist by topping it off with a mix of bread crumbs and Parmesan Cheese. Here's how you can throw this quick and easy side dish together for your Thanksgiving, or any, get together.

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