I've seen round houses before, but nothing like this 3-story fortress in Joliet, Illinois.

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Take a minute to take in this home for sale in Illinois that I am sure is nothing like you've seen before. It sits on 14.55 acres of land with fruit trees and plenty of opportunities for deer hunting, but what makes this house unique is that it is completely circular. The house even has a name, Paradise Found, and it really is something like a paradise. The house alone is 6,000 square feet and listed for $745,000.

It has everything, updated kitchen, bath, and bedrooms a subgrade tornado shelter, a whole 3rd floor dedicated to a master suite, and a master bath. It really is something to dream home and something out of the HGTV Channel.

LOOK INSIDE: Welcome to Paradise Found!

I wonder how many times you have to go round and round to get to a mile? You wouldn't have to go to the gym every day that's for sure or buy a treadmill. You could just walk in your house, round and round to get your steps in.

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WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

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