Take a Southern Indiana Waterfalls and Wine Tour
What better way to spend a day off than enjoy waterfalls and wine? I saw a post my friend in Northern IN, put on her Facebook page, It was about a day trip tour that takes you to wineries and waterfalls. It started at the Sycamore Winery, in my hometown, and ended at Williamsport Falls, near Lafayette, IN. It made me wonder if I could put something together, very similar, in Southern IN. And, I did!
My Waterfalls and Wine Tour takes about 2 1/2 hours driving time, not counting the time you want to spend at each destination. It begins at the Patoka Winery, circles around though the beautiful Southern Indiana country side, until you end up an the Winzerwald Winery near I-64. Take a look at the map!
Here is a look at the places you will visit.
Southern Indiana Waterfalls and Wine Tour
If you go n the our, send me some pics. Cheers!
Waterfalls of Shawnee National Forest
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