Each year, the volunteers at the Indiana Military Museum host a series of events designed to engage the public with "living history," such as their spring World War II Remembrance Day.
A plant toxic to animals--if they consume large quantities of the stuff--will bring monarch butterflies to your yard. They're also great for...life jackets?
Growing up in the 70s, I was obsessed with cap guns. In fact, I used mine to open a private detective agency in my neighborhood. Here's a look at where cap guns came from and how they inspired a young generation of gunslingers.
Discover the importance of milkweed for monarch butterflies and other pollinators, as well as its surprising history as a life-saving material. Learn more now!
The Evansville Wartime Museum is preparing to announce the winning name for its 1943 Sherman Tank. Museum visitors will also have the chance to take a ride.