FX and Ryan Murphy’s incoming American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson has kept us all delighted by its ridiculous photos and over-dramatized teasers, even if the prolific cast has been left to obscurity. Now, the court of FX has finally unsealed the full trailer for The People v. O.J. Simpson, and it is every bit the absurdity we expected.
Now that its cast has reached the size of a small country, and set photos flood the net, FX and Ryan Murphy’s American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson at last has official shots of its high-profile cast. They definitely look like humans dressed as other humans. Of this, there can be little doubt.
Last year, John Travolta took the Oscar stage to introduce Idina Menzel so she could perform “Let It Go” from Frozen. What should have been a very simple, teleprompter-aided introduction quickly became a Big Deal when Travolta stumbled over his words. Instead of “Idina Menzel,” Travolta said “Adele Dazeem.” An internet meme was born and everyone added another great John Travolta joke to their repertoire. The 2015 Oscars decided to revisit that memorable flub and the results were weird, awkward, and yeah, pretty funny.
At this years Academy Awards, John Travolta butchered Idina Menzel's name by calling her Adele Dazeem. It was probably one of the more memorable moments of the night. I'm not even sure how he managed get the name SO wrong. Mispronouncing a name is one thing, but creating an entirely new name, is on a whole new level.
Well, as Maury would say, "The results are in!" If you remember, yesterday new rumors surfaced about an alleged affair between John Travolta and his personal pilot from back in the 80's (insert "cock-pit" joke here)!
Reports have been leaking out claiming that John Travolta was gay ever since the "Massage" incident, and the hits just keep on coming! Apparently, Travolta's secretary is claiming that she KNEW he was gay all along! She say she knew of a 6-year affair he had with his personal pilot Doug Gotterba, back in the '80's...
The people have spoken and the results are in! According the poll, over 57% believe the rumors about John Travolta being gay, with the other 42% say it MIGHT be! WOW! Was I the ONLY only who thought it might not be true? First Will Smi...