Yesterday on the radio, both Gavin and I shared negative opinions about Beyonce's performance at the MTV Video Music Awards! While critically applauded and overwhelmingly praised on social media, Gavin and I both independently found her performance to be long and self-indulgent. Did KISS-FM listeners agree with us?
Steve is still out on vacation this week so this week Gavin and I watched WWE RAW last night and took some notes. We're full of thoughts and opinions about how the show was heading into Extrene Rules! Check out what we had to say in today's episode of "Post 2 Post" below!
The big news over the weekend was what happened all day Friday as the WWE did their Spring cleaning. Throughout the course of the day, WWE let go of eight superstars ranging from low-card not-too-shocking to big-name surprises! Steve is on vacation this week, so Gavin fills in as we cover this crazy story on today's episode of "Post 2 Post!"
Gavin turned 29 today (February 8th), so with the help of our web queen, Ashley, we decided to surprise him with what every 29-year-old wants, a superhero-themed birthday cake from Piece of Cake Bakery in Evansville.