Game of Thrones has long had its own line of beers for fans to celebrate with, and it seems crazier than a Mad King to be without an official wine. No longer, as a Santa Rosa winery will bring us three different varieties for every generation of Lannister to poison themselves with, some more quickly than others.
It was a pretty ingenious marking move when Coke launched the 'Share a Coke' campaign. Unless your name was Archibald or Azdextria, you could probably find a Coca-Cola with your name on it. They also printed 'Share with a BFF' and other generic labels as well...
Now, I don't know about you but I don't really have the time or the money to treat myself to a store bought PSL from September through December. And truth be told, I don't like them very much... (GASP!!) But, there is another hot fall beverage that I love. I can make it at home. It's cheap, and delicious.
Today we celebrate "National Margarita Day" and we posed the question..."Who Has The Best Margarita in the Tri-State" on Facebook.
Taking a look at the VERY informal poll...Here are the Top 5 places for Margaritas!
(Click on the Logo to see their website)
Believe it or not, I had a question the internet couldn't answer, so I went straight to the source to find out if a bottle of Jägermeister I've had for some time can still be enjoyed when the mood strikes.
Since the beginning of families, holidays, and especially family holidays like Christmas, alcohol has always been a key component to survival. Brighten up everyone's spirits by mixing up these delicious drinks -- and don't forget to pour one (or five) for yourself as you mix.