
How Do You Feel About E-Cigarettes in Public?
How Do You Feel About E-Cigarettes in Public?
How Do You Feel About E-Cigarettes in Public?
I was in a meeting yesterday when a co-worker pulled out her e-cigarette and started "smoking." I was shocked! Since the smoking ban in Evansville was put into place, my whole psyche on smoking has been changed. Walking into a restaurant out-of-town and seeing a smoking section is really odd to me...
Drunk Man Mistakes Cigarettes for Cell Phone [VIDEO]
Drunk Man Mistakes Cigarettes for Cell Phone [VIDEO]
Drunk Man Mistakes Cigarettes for Cell Phone [VIDEO]
Look, I've been drunk on several occasions and during more than a few of those occasions, I've done something stupid. However, this guy beats anything I've done - hands down. Britain's Sun newspaper reports a drunk driver in Russia pulled over by police tried to make a call with a pack of cigarettes he thought was a cell phone. Cops pulled over the would-be Marlboro Man after noticing he was drivi