NOW HIRING: Evansville’s Chemo Buddies Has Two Part-Time Job OpeningsNOW HIRING: Evansville’s Chemo Buddies Has Two Part-Time Job OpeningsEver wanted to work for a non-profit organization? Chemo Buddies is a great place to start. Learn more about what they are looking for.Bobby G.Bobby G.
Double Giveback Weekends Are Win-Win for Shoppers and Local Non-ProfitsDouble Giveback Weekends Are Win-Win for Shoppers and Local Non-ProfitsIt's a win-win situation, for those looking for beautiful jewelry, and for two more Evansville non-profit organizations - and it's the final two weekends.Bobby G.Bobby G.LibertyLiberty
Chemo Buddies Founder Wins National Award for Cancer Patient CareChemo Buddies Founder Wins National Award for Cancer Patient CareCongratulations to Jill Kincaid for receiving one of the 2020 Cancer Community Awards.Bobby G.Bobby G.MY Morning ShowMY Morning Show
Bid on Hundreds of Items During Chemo Buddies Online AuctionBid on Hundreds of Items During Chemo Buddies Online AuctionChoose from dozens of dining gift cards, sports memorabilia, electronic, decorations - and bigger ticket items like jewelry, furniture and vacations.Bobby G.Bobby G.MY Morning ShowMY Morning Show
Chemo Buddies Celebrating Ninth Birthday with Daily Give-BacksChemo Buddies Celebrating Ninth Birthday with Daily Give-BacksThankfully, our local restaurants are open, and willing to host fundraising events for Chemo Buddies.LibertyLibertyMY Morning ShowMY Morning Show
Chemo Buddies Provides How-To Guide for Homemade Face MasksChemo Buddies Provides How-To Guide for Homemade Face MasksOur friends at Chemo Buddies need your help...actually, the folks who are fighting cancer and receiving treatment are the ones that need your help. Bobby G.Bobby G.MY Morning ShowMY Morning Show