Yes, it's another Call Me Maybe video, but I promise (ladies) this one is great! US Soldiers stationed in Afghanistan have remade the video that was originally performed by the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders - move-for-move!
This video has already hit almost 2 million views! The cast and crew of one of America's most beloved sitcoms "Big Bang Theory" pranked their studio audience and executives when the performed a flash mob during production... All set to the tune of Carly Rae Jepson's "Call Me Maybe...
Today has been a tragic day for America, in the midst of the Aurora Colorado shooting, and my heart goes out to all those who were effected by it. However with all the sadness going on today, sometimes a little gem like this can make you smile. I know the 'Call Me Maybe' Covers can get old, however this one is sure to put a smile on your face.
Though our friend Tom Dunphy doesn't claim to be in the league of Alanis or Bob, he does add an element to the Carly Rae Jepsen pop song sensation, "Call Me Maybe" that I found to be refreshing.
So I found this guy on youtube, and well it's safe to say I've pretty much got a new addiction, and it's definitely his videos! You know, you can only hear so many cover songs before they all become very generic, UNTIL someone puts an amazing twist on them such as this guy!