The beloved book character known for his red and white stripes has invaded the city of Evansville, Indiana, and the 'Where's Waldo?" search is on at over 25 local businesses.
Evansville, Indiana's Your Brother's Bookstore is one of 300 around the world that will participate in an International Where's Waldo event on July 30th.
Children's author, Todd Schimmell, has released a fun new picture book series that address social and emotional issues - teaches positivity and empathy.
Stephen King fans have been waiting for what seems like forever and the time is finally here! The first official trailer for the film adaptation of The Dark Tower has just been released!
If you're looking to freshen up your book or DVD collection on the cheap, swing by Willard Library on First Avenue in Evansville tomorrow morning (June 4th, 2016) for the annual Friends of Willard Library Book Sale!