
Breaking Macho: What ‘Logan’ And ‘Lego Batman’ Have In Common
Breaking Macho: What ‘Logan’ And ‘Lego Batman’ Have In Common
Breaking Macho: What ‘Logan’ And ‘Lego Batman’ Have In Common
Earlier this month, X-Men fans were treated to Logan, a Wolverine movie … without Wolverine. A sort of adaptation of the comic Old Man Logan (although more in tone than plot), the movie imagines a future where mutants are nearly all dead, and a barely hanging on Logan is low-key doing chauffeur work to take care of a decrepit Charles Xavier. When some bad guys go after a young girl named Laura suddenly in Logan’s care, the ex X-Man takes a road trip to get her to safety --- while killing a lot of people who get in their way.’ While some are comparing Logan to Deadpool, the other R-rated film starring a Marvel hero from the past year, we should be looking at its similarities to another superhero film from 2017 instead; The Lego Batman Movie.
All the Easter Eggs We Found in ‘The LEGO Batman Movie’
All the Easter Eggs We Found in ‘The LEGO Batman Movie’
All the Easter Eggs We Found in ‘The LEGO Batman Movie’
The LEGO Batman Movie, now playing in theaters (and Palace Cinema LEGO sets) everywhere, works perfectly well for any audience, regardless of their familiarity with Batman, LEGO or otherwise. For viewers who do know the nearly 80-year history of its title character, however, the film is a treasure trove of references. Following his debut in the pages of 1939’s Detective Comics #27, Batman quickly became one of the most famous heroes in all of comics, and eventually spawned television shows, movies, toys, video games, and countless pieces of merchandise, almost all of which get referenced in Chris McKay’s LEGO Batman Movie in some way, shape, or form.
Nope, The Joker in ‘Suicide Squad’ Isn’t Jason Todd
Nope, The Joker in ‘Suicide Squad’ Isn’t Jason Todd
Nope, The Joker in ‘Suicide Squad’ Isn’t Jason Todd
A new fan theory has emerged in recent months suggesting that Jared Leto’s version of The Joker in Suicide Squad is actually Jason Todd — a hypothesis that gained a little traction when it was revealed that the Robin suit featured in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice belonged to Todd. If you subscribe to this particular theory, then David Ayer has some disappointing news for you.
IDW And DC Announce ‘Batman/TMNT Adventures’ [SDCC 2016]
IDW And DC Announce ‘Batman/TMNT Adventures’ [SDCC 2016]
IDW And DC Announce ‘Batman/TMNT Adventures’ [SDCC 2016]
James Tynion IV and Freddie E. Williams II's Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover was one of the best comic books of the year, and if you doubt that, consider that there was a scene where Shredder and Ra's Al-Ghul used mutagen on Batman's enemies and turned Mr. Freeze into a polar bear. If you can think of a comic where something better than that happened, then folks, I want to hear about it. The only downside was that it ended after only six issues. Now, though, it looks like we're going to get a sequel --- sort of. Today at San Diego Comic-Con, IDW and DC announced Batman/TMNT Adventures, a second crossover between the Dark Knight and the Heroes in a Half-Shell --- and this time, it's set in the animated universes of both characters.
Would You Pay $50 to Watch ‘Batman vs. Superman’ at Home on Opening Night?
Would You Pay $50 to Watch ‘Batman vs. Superman’ at Home on Opening Night?
Would You Pay $50 to Watch ‘Batman vs. Superman’ at Home on Opening Night?
Leaving your house, driving to the nearest movie theater (or, if you want to find a film other than a wide-release studio picture, driving what could be very far away), dropping $13 on a ticket, spending $8 more on a soda and popcorn, watching fifteen minutes of commercials and trailers, and staring daggers at jagwagons using their cell phones in the theater is cool...
Ben Affleck Reportedly Rewrote ‘Batman vs. Superman’ Script Every Day…in Costume
Ben Affleck Reportedly Rewrote ‘Batman vs. Superman’ Script Every Day…in Costume
Ben Affleck Reportedly Rewrote ‘Batman vs. Superman’ Script Every Day…in Costume
One of the stipulations when Ben Affleck signed on to star in Batman vs. Superman was that his Argo writer, Chris Terrio, would come aboard to help fix the script. Though Terrio was indeed brought in to rewrite the script (originally written by David Goyer), it seems Affleck still was not happy with it. According to a recent report, Affleck spent each day rewriting that day’s scenes until they were up to snuff. Oh, and he did it dressed as Batman.
‘Justice League Action’ Brings Bite-sized Heroics to the Cartoon Network
‘Justice League Action’ Brings Bite-sized Heroics to the Cartoon Network
‘Justice League Action’ Brings Bite-sized Heroics to the Cartoon Network
DC's Trinity will return to television in an all-new animated series on the Cartoon Network for the first time since Justice League Unlimited went off the air in 2006. While Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman have made some animated appearances elsewhere, Justice League Action will reunite the three biggest heroes at DC Comics to star in their first weekly adventures in seven years. What's more, Kevin Conroy is coming back to the role that made him one of the biggest stars in DC and Warner Bros. film and television, Batman. Though he's frequently reprised the role over in the home video and video game realms, Conroy hasn't dabbled with the voice of Batman on a recurring series since JLU ended. The actors for Superman and Wonder Woman haven't been revealed as of yet, but I suppose we can all keep our fingers crossed for Tim Daly and Susan Eisenberg to make the dream team reunion a reality.

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