SGN: Cast of ‘The Office’ Recreate Jim & Pam’s Wedding Dance
There are four episodes of 'The Office' that make me cry every time that I watch them.
- Casino Night - Jim confesses his love for Pam, and she rejects him.
- Weight Loss - Pam is away at art school and Jim meets her halfway at a gas station, to propose to her, because he can't wait any longer to make her his wife.
- Company Picnic - Jim has to take Pam to the hospital for an x-ray after she hurts her ankle playing volleyball at the company picnic.
- Niagara (Technically 2 episodes) - This is the amazing day we waited six seasons for, Jim and Pam get married in Niagara Falls. There are so many little moments in this episode that make me tear up, like taking mental pictures and their actual ceremony on the boat.
For Susan and John, their love of 'The Office' has had a huge influence on their relationship. John went so far as to recreate Jim's gas station proposal. They invited John Krazinski to their wedding in a tweet, and that scored them a segment in his SGN Youtube series.
John said he would attend their nuptials, but only if the wedding happened during the segment. Wait, what? Krazinski showed off his official certificate of ordainment, and then Zoomed the couple's parents into the video.
All of this is pretty awesome, heck they even had Jim & Pam as the best man and maid of honor. How could this surprise wedding get any better? How about a full reunion from 'The Office' recreating the epic dancing down the isle scene from Niagara!