The past few months Roberts Stadium has been slowly coming down.  Every day driving on the Lloyd it was kind of cool because I was able to see the process of them demolishing a little of it each day.  Well just this morning the skeleton of what was Roberts Stadium buckled and came crashing down.

(Melissa Awesome/106-1 Kiss-fm)
(Melissa Awesome/106-1 Kiss-fm)

If you've lived in the tri-state for at least the past few years, chances are you've either seen or actually been in Roberts Stadium.  Just a couple years ago there was a pretty big controversy in the tri-state about what to do with ole Roberts Stadium.  They decided it would be best to just build a brand new stadium downtown so now we have the Ford Center.  Roberts Stadium was sentenced to death.  Well not exactly...haha it's becoming a park. Ryan O'Bryan ventured on out to Roberts stadium the other day to take some pictures so you can see a cool before and after, then watch the video of it crashing down and see the after, after!

It was sad seeing Roberts Stadium being demolished. Mainly because I felt like:

My first concert ever was Garth Brooks at Roberts Stadium in 1997.  Also in 2001 I went with my best friend (and still to this day best friend!) Lindsay to go see Aaron Carter's "Aarons Winter Party" tour.  And then when I started interning for GBF back in 2008 I saw more rock concerts there than I can even count.  So it's kind of nostalgic driving past Roberts Stadium and also a little sad to see it go.


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