Owensboro Health Offers Free Pregnancy Wellness Class for New Parents
Having a baby and becoming a new parent can be daunting. Luckily, Owensboro Health's new Pregnancy Wellness Class is a great way to learn about how to navigate pregnancy. In this free class, you'll meet with wellness experts who will guide you and teach you about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, to give you the tools to be the best parent you can be. Here's how to register.
Are you pregnant and feeling anxious? It's completely normal. When I found out I was pregnant 20+ years ago I was terrified. I purchased the thickest pregnancy book I could find. I wanted to be prepared, and I was very overwhelmed. Even though my doctor was concerned about whether I could sustain the pregnancy, I was hopeful and wanted to be ready. I didn't know the first thing about childbirth or about being a mom. I lost the baby at eight weeks, and then I made the hard decision about a hysterectomy to protect my health. I never got to feel the joy of being a mother, but I still remember those nerves. Owensboro Health understands those nerves too and is there to help!
Owensboro Health is excited to announce a new Pregnancy Wellness class!
Pregnancy can be a wonderful time, but the many physical, mental and emotional changes that come with it require support. We created a class with wellness experts who will help you thrive throughout pregnancy.
• A certified fitness trainer will demonstrate safe workouts to help reduce aches and pains during pregnancy and strengthen the lower body to prepare for birth.
• Expert dietitians will discuss nutrition and how to best nurture yourself during this special time.
• A prenatal educator will discuss tips for a healthy pregnancy and the community resources available.
The first class is on Monday, November 28th, 2022, at Owensboro Health Healthpark. This FREE class is open to pregnant people at any stage in pregnancy. To sign up, visit OwensboroHealth.org/Baby or call (270) 417-5303.