Local News Crew Captures Kentucky Authorities Helping Deer Cross Highway 41 [VIDEO]
Law enforcement in Henderson, Kentucky took the oath to "serve and protect" to the animal kingdom on Tuesday when they stopped traffic during rush hour on Highway 41 to allow a herd of deer to safely cross as they sought higher ground from rising flood waters.
Thanks to all the melting snow and the subsequent rain the Evansville area has received over the past week, the Ohio River is rising past flood stage which has caused wildlife in the area (namely deer) to seek higher ground. Unfortunately, that higher ground is on the other side of Highway 41 which has led to accidents involving the animals.
Eyewitness News happened to have a news crew on the road heading back to the station when they were stopped with other motorists to allow the crossing. The video below was aired live during their 5 p.m. newscast on Tuesday evening and has been viewed over half a million times.
According to a recent update from Eyewitness News, officers in the area noticed the large herd in a nearby field making their way toward the highway and acted quickly to stop traffic. They were assisted by Linda Williams from Misfit Island Wildlife Rescue who made her way behind the herd and force them into the direction of higher ground.
The Henderson Police Department told Eyewitness News they will execute the procedure again in the future if the situation warrants.
[Source: Eyewitness News]