Kentucky Women Captures Chilling Images Of Possible Ghost In Backyard
During the day, I usually have all of the blinds and drapes open. I love the natural light coming in the windows. But at night, it's a different story. All blinds and drapes must be shut. You never know who, or what may be looking in, or what you might see looking inside at you. No, thank you.

The scenario of something outside, in the dark, just waiting to pounce or just scare the crap out of the lead character, is in just about a very scary movie. Why? Because it's beyond scary.
I always have a creepy feeling when I pass by a window or a glass door, that I will see something I don't want to see. But, as I have found out while writing my articles about ghosts or spirits, they don't always show themselves when you look out the window or even across the room. They show up in photos, later.
These photos popped up in my Facebook Groups Newsfeed and knew I wanted to write about them. So, I contacted Andrea. She is from Grand Rivers, KY, which is down around Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley. And, that is where these photos were taken.
This is what she wrote in her status.
Any thoughts on this? I took these pics of my great-niece because she just looked so cute. The first one was taken and then the second one was taken less than a minute later. I did not see this until after both pics. This happened several years ago, but I’ve never quit being curious about it.
[I altered the photos with a blur over the babies face to protect her identity]
Remember, Andrea said she took the photos with just seconds between them. It looks like whatever is in the yard is quickly moving toward the house. Also, keep in mind that Andrea saw nothing odd or any ghostly figure when she was taking the photos. YIKES!
Here are a few of the Facebook comments regarding the photos and possible explanations.
I am seeing a dog in the first and it looks like it's standing on its back legs in the second with its head tilted and paws up. If no dogs were around, maybe one from your family's past is protecting her! - KY
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