Kentucky Has Biggest Single Day Increase in Positive COVID-19 Tests
News from Governor Beshear's daily news conference this afternoon. Kentucky has now officially experienced its single largest increase in positive COVID-19 tests in one day. According to the most recent data, we now have 248 positive tests here in Kentucky. That's fifty new cases in the last 24 hours.
Plus, Kentucky has now confirmed its first positive test inside a nursing home- a 90-year-old resident in Perry County. In Gov Beshear's words, "The virus came to them." With nursing home visitation strictly restricted, Beshear stressed the importance of following guidelines that are in place. "We truly have to encourage and push, as much as we can, to follow the guidance and be that good neighbor."
Beshear added, "The next two to three weeks are going to be critical. We need to everything we can to be Healthy at Home to flatten the curve and make sure that what's going on in New York, California and Michigan doesn't happen here."
"We need everybody's best."
The governor also expressed disappointment today in efforts to establish efficient drive-thru testing here in the Commonwealth. He hoped he could make an announcement about the rollout this afternoon, but says the project is not quite ready yet.
But statewide efforts to curb the spread of coronavirus continue. This evening at 8pm, non-essential businesses in the Commonwealth will close. Governor Beshear made that announcement Tuesday and then Wednesday provided the complete list of essential business that will remain open in the state. To access that list, CLICK HERE!
Plus, Beshear said that he is going to work with mayors and judge executives throughout Kentucky to monitor activity at city and county parks. Of course, earlier today, Owensboro Mayor Watson took steps to reduce group activity at a variety of local parks. The order affects basketball courts at local parks, the Travis Aubrey Skate Park and the Legion Park Street Soccer Court.
Governor Beshear thanked every Kentuckian for their sacrifice and assured residents in the Commonwealth, as he has every day during his afternoon address, "We are going to get through this and we're going to get through this together."