January Traveling City Hall Discusses North Side Water Project
Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke invites you to the first Traveling City Hall of 2020 this Wednesday, January 29th. The replacement of water mains on First Avenue will be the topic of the discussion, led by Evansville Water & Sewer Utility (EWSU) officials.
This is one of the Water Utility's biggest and most important projects of the year. Nearly 8,000 feet of new water main pipe is being replaced from the Pigeon Creek Bridge north to Ivy Tech. The goal is to increase water supply to northern areas of the EWSU distribution system and improve overall water distribution.
Maybe you don't live on or near the north side and this project doesn't concern/affect you at all. That's fair. EWSU officials will also discuss and answer questions about the recently relaunched MyWater EWSU mobile app, which probably affects just about all of us.
Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and City department heads will be available after the EWSU presentation to talk one-on-one with residents about any issue involving local government. As always, the Traveling City Hall is free and open to any and everyone. The public is encouraged to come out, ask questions, and learn more about what's happening around our city.
The Traveling City Hall is Wednesday, January 29th from 5:30p-7p at Ivy Tech Community College.