We've teamed up with Robert John & Associates to bring you the first-ever MENU MADNESS. The food competition started with the 32 best signature dishes from local restaurants here in Southern Indiana. Your votes determined which dishes would move on to the "Sweet & Savory 16" and then on to the "Elite Treat 8." Winning dishes then advanced to the "Flavorful Final 4" and then the "Tasty Two."

The winning dish from Southern Indiana, according to your votes, is the oatmeal cream pie from Be Happy Pie Company.

Be Happy Pie Company Facebook
Be Happy Pie Company Facebook

The winning dish from Kentucky is the Chocolate Long John from Rolling Pin in Owensboro.

Rolling Pin Bakery Facebook
Rolling Pin Bakery Facebook

There Can Be Only One!

MENU MADNESS all comes down to this - the best signature dish from Southern Indiana vs. the best signature dish from Western Kentucky. Which dish will reign supreme? That is up to you.


Now it is time to VOTE. Take a look at the winning dishes from both sides of the river and vote for your favorite. You can vote as many times as you like!

Thanks for your votes! Now make sure you have our station app downloaded and your notifications turned on, so you'll be alerted when new rounds open!

MENU MADNESS is brought to you by Robert John & AssociatesInured? Get Serious. Get Robert John & Associates.

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