Long before British settlers made their way west to settle in Kentucky, Native Americans called the Bluegrass state their home. Growing up, I remember learning that this area of the country was mostly just land open for hunting, but that isn't entirely accurate.

Anthropologists know from documented research and excavation that several Indigenous tribes lived here as long as 12,000 years ago. Depending on where you are in the state, you reside on primarily Shawnee, Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Osage land.

According to Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Daviess County was home to several tribes including Eastern Band Cherokee, Shawnee, Osage, and Miami. More than 90,000 Native Americans were represented here in the state in the 2020 Census. As there are no officially recognized reservation lands or lands in trust in Kentucky, there are groups of Indigenous folks currently leading the charge for tribal recognition.

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As land is developed, the Kentucky Antiquities Act protects ancient burial plots and archaeological discoveries. These laws are part of the reason why there is a random patch of grass in the middle of one of the busiest airports in the world.

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Google Maps 2024

The UPS Worldport in Louisville, KY is considered one-of-a-kind. 5.2 million square feet of hustle and bustle, it is the largest UPS hub in the world. That alone is really cool to think about. Sorting through 400,000-plus packages an HOUR. However, there is a small patch of grass that is as peaceful as can be.

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Google Maps 2024

An undisturbed native burial plot that can be seen thanks to Google Earth. In a feature by Louisville news station WLKY, "Officials with Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport and UPS Worldport [said] ancient remains were found there years ago before the Worldport was ever built."

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Google Maps 2024

Out of respect for those buried there, the ground has not been further disturbed. Not even to find out how many individuals are there or how long they've been deceased. The massive handling facility was just built up around the area so as not to bother this plot.

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Google Maps 2024

I'm definitely intrigued to know more about what is under the surface, but letting the dead rest peacefully is much more important than mankind's curiosity. Especially if they are folks of indigenous tribes. To learn more about Native American heritage in Kentucky, click here.


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