The excitement has been building for the 2024 solar eclipse. Here at Townsquare Media, we've worked hard to put together an official guide for you and everything you need to know.

Official Guide to the 2024  Solar Eclipse

Need to know where to go? We have information about events and the best places to experience "totality."  Need to know what to wear? Certain colors react in interesting ways to the moon covering the sun. Need to know what to listen to? We've made a playlist of songs with solar/lunar-themed tunes. You can find it all and more here.

Be Careful Looking Up!

Safety first! Hopefully, you've purchased your special eclipse glasses or picked some up from your local public library. It's the only way you should look at the sun for a prolonged period.

Take a Moment to Look Down During the Eclipse

We will all be focused on observing the sky as the moon crosses the sun shadowing us in darkness in the middle of the day. Depending on your location, totality will only last two to four minutes. During that time, don't forget to take a moment to look down and see the light effects reflected onto the ground.

Crescents and Bands of Shadows

The light of the sun is multiplied in images of itself scattered all over the ground due to what experts call "the pinhole camera effect." If you are anywhere near a tree, it will show you a wonderful little shimmering show on the ground of what is happening up above. Here is a fun video to explain in better detail.

So, just remember, don't spend the whole time looking up at the sky during the eclipse. You'll miss the fun at your feet!

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