This is the one month out of the year when many seek to be frightened. If that's your goal, you should visit the Illinois cemetery and its mausoleum that are considered one of America's scariest destinations.

There's a good reason why 24/7 Wall St just ranked Chicago as the 7th scariest city to visit in America. They said there are 411 historical buildings with some having a morbid past and number one on their list is a destination that is full of stories.

Strange and Sinister via YouTube
Strange and Sinister via YouTube

The Rosehill Cemetery and Mausoleum in Chicago, Illinois is filled with legends of otherworldly happenings. Many stop at this place which is known as "the devil's grave". The vault has a sinister inscription about returning from the darkness and the death date of 6/6/2006 takes on a twisted meaning for some.

Strange and Sinister via YouTube
Strange and Sinister via YouTube

The mausoleum has many crypts which are rumored to be haunted and the dark hallways and chapel communicate that vibe.

Strange and Sinister via YouTube
Strange and Sinister via YouTube

It's easy to get lost in those hallways and that's the one thing you dare not do.

Back in 2015, the Rosehill Cemetery gained even more notoriety when a creepy clown was spotted crawling over its gates at night. No thanks, Pennywise.

Are all these stories just the figment of vivid imaginations? Perhaps, but there seem to be too many stories from too many different people for this all to be a big to-do about nothing. If you choose to go there, be respectful and hope you don't become one of Rosehill Cemetery's many legendary stories.

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Gallery Credit: grimmlifecollective via YouTube

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