Have You Heard of the Famous Dollhouse Graves of Indiana?
These two dollhouse graves are famous in their own right for being a tragically beautiful act of love from grieving parents.

The Dollhouse Grave of Vivian Mae Allison
Located in Connersville, Indiana is the grave of young Vivian Mae Allison and it's a grave that many people like to visit because of how unique it is. Instead of a regular headstone marker, Vivan's parents put up a dollhouse where their daughter's grave sits.
Vivan lived from May 5th, 1894 to October 20th, 1899 making her only 5 years old when she passed away. According to OrangeBeanIndiana.com the reason there's a dollhouse for Vivan's gravestone is because her father was building her a dollhouse for Christmas that year, but unfortunately, young Vivan didn't make it to Christmas to receive her gift.
Vivan's parents took care of the dollhouse for nearly 70 years, and when they both passed on other family members took over care from of the grave. Since close family members have all passed on, the town of Connersville has many volunteers that work to keep the dollhouse in good condition, and protected from vandals.
You can see more views of Vivan's grave in the YouTube video below:
The Dollhouse Grave of Lova Cline
Located in Rushville, Indiana in the Arlington East Hill Cemetery is the dollhouse grave of Lova Cline. Lova's story is just as tragic as Vivian's, except Lova's life was a bit of a struggle from the start. Lova was born in 1902 and had a medical condition that FindaGrave.com described as a "crippling neurological condition."
Unfortunately, Lova's life was tragically short when she passed away at the age of 6 years old in 1908. According to RoadsideAmerica.com Lova's one joy in life was gazing into a dollhouse that her father built, so when she passed away her father had it made into her grave marker so it would always be near her.
When her parents later passed away they were buried at a different cemetery than Lova, so the town actually moved Lova's grave and dollhouse marker to its current location so she could be laid to rest with her parents.
You can see a YouTube video of Lova's grave below:
Please Only Visit With Respect
These dollhouse graves are as eerie as they are a beautiful symbol of a parent's love. If you decide to go visit these graves, which you could easily see both in the same day as they're only about 30 miles apart, please remember these are the graves of children. Please visit these graves with only the utmost respect for the families.