Happy Veterans’ Day from Kat
Today is not just another Sunday. Today is Veterans' Day - a day to remember and celebrate those who have risked everything for our country.
My dad is a retired US Army Master Sergeant who served in Germany during Vietnam, and later taught in Indianapolis at Fort Benjamin Harrison. My brother, Keith, is a US Marine Corp veteran who served in Somalia during the first Gulf Conflict. The things that these two men, who are so important in my life, have seen & experienced are things that most US citizens will never know.
I have friends who have served - some are currently serving - in the Army, Navy, Marine Corp, and Air Force. These men and women have taken on the hardest job in the world to ensure that you and I have the freedom to live the lives we lead. I don't know about you, but I am grateful. I hope that today, and everyday, you remember the sacrifices that they have made for us, and our great country.
To all who have served, thank you!!!