‘Rise & Raise’ Cancer Pathways Midwest’s Virtual Superhero Fundraiser
Cancer Pathways Midwest is a new name in Evansville, but for the past eight years, we've known them as Gilda's Club. This nonprofit organization is a huge asset to our community, providing support, education, counseling, and so much more to those fighting cancer and everyone around them.
Cancer Pathways Midwest offers individualized support and resources to anyone impacted by cancer. The services to their members are free thanks to the support of the community.
When Kalah Schmitz stopped in to talk about the Rise & Raise event, she asked if I had been affected by cancer. I honestly had to think about it, probably because it seems so common. Once I started talking about the fact that both my husband and I have had skin cancer, I have had friends die from it, and know people fighting it now.

Current Cancer Statistics:
· 1 in 2 Men will have cancer
· 1 in 3 Women will have cancer
· In Indiana, 4 Hoosiers everyday are diagnosed
Normally, the Rise & Raise event is an annual breakfast to raise awareness and funds. In an effort to keep everyone as safe as possible from COVID-19, the fundraiser will be virtual. If you would like to participate, and become a SuperHero Team Captain and lead a team or you can be a SuperHero and visit CancerPathWaysMidwest.org.
Super Heroes Unite for Cancer Pathways Midwest
5740 Vogel Rd.
Evansville, IN 47715
P: 812-402-8667
F: 812-401-6337
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