It wasn't long after a hugely successful Bowl For Kids' Sake event back in April when we learned that our buddy Andrew Backes was stepping down as Executive Director for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana (BBBSSWI). Well, we now know who is taking over that important role for this great organization.

The nonprofit's Board of Directors has announced that RYAN SCOTT is the new Executive Director for BBBSSWI. Board President, Sherri Bell, says,

Ryan’s background in education and his passion for youth and his belief that everyone, regardless of circumstances has immense value and infinite potential will be phenomenal for the organization and our area.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of SW Indiana
Big Brothers Big Sisters of SW Indiana

Let's Learn More About Mr. Scott

Ryan Scott is originally from Chrisney, Indiana, and currently resides in Henderson, Kentucky. He received his undergraduate degree from Murray State University and two master’s degrees from The University of the Cumberlands. Here's what Ryan says about the important work being done at BBBSSWI...

Thousands of research studies have proven that positive, nurturing, supportive relationships are the lifeblood of a successful, happy life. Connecting children with role models who can provide these critical elements have the ability to literally change the direction of a kid’s life. In a world where hope is often lacking among our most vulnerable youth, one positive role model can provide the essential support needed to persevere through life. Life is easily the hardest thing we ever have to do, but having someone walking beside us makes it 10x easier.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of SW Indiana via Facebook
Big Brothers Big Sisters of SW Indiana via Facebook

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana

BBBSSWI is a one-to-one mentoring program dedicated to improving the lives of children in Vanderburgh, Warrick, Posey, Spencer, and Gibson Counties in Southwest Indiana, and Henderson County in Kentucky.

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There are always more children than there are mentors, so please consider being a "BIG." Visit to learn more.

10 Totally Wrong Assumptions We Had as Kids About How Things Work

I saw a question on Ask Reddit recently from user u/BlackbuckDeer that asked, what wrong assumptions we had as kids about how things work. I knew my answer instantly. When I was a kid, I thought the music played on the radio was done by the artists themselves sitting in the studio. I imagined a long line of artists twisting and turning their way down the hallways of the station waiting their turn to come on and play. I don't think that's what led to me being interested in a career in radio, but having now worked in the business for over 20 years and knowing how the songs get played, looking back on that thought makes me laugh a little bit. I figured if I had a thought like that, you probably did too. So, I put the question on Facebook. The responses were not only great, but when you think about it like a kid would, they all made perfect sense.

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