Be a Tissue Donor – Fight Breast Cancer!
As a woman, you can contribute to breast cancer research. How? By helping scientists with their research and donating breast tissue. You can donate, right here in the Tri-State, this Saturday. (April 30). Get all the info!
Susan G. Komen explains it like this.....
By collecting breast tissue from women with and without breast cancer, or with a variety of benign breast conditions, scientists will be able to determine differences which ultimately could lead to a better understanding of the breast cancer process. Your donation of healthy breast tissue is important to breast cancer research that may lead to better treatments or a cure. You could leave a legacy that is instrumental in protecting generations to come.
The Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Cancer Center is hosting a tissue collection on Saturday, April 30, 2016 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at Oncology Hematology Associates on Epworth Road in Newburgh. Please note this is not a diagnostic procedure and has no direct medical benefit to participate.
To participate, you must:
1. Be at least 18 years of age
2. Have the ability to understand and the willingness to sign an informed consent
3. Be willing to give about an hour and a half of your time to complete a questionnaire and breast tissue sample collection
4. Inform as to whether you routinely get antibiotics prior to a dental procedure
5. Not be allergic to local anesthetics such as lidocaine
6. Not be receiving a therapeutic blood thinner (does not include aspirin)
7. Not have breast implants
PLEASE call the Komen Tissue Bank at 866-763-0047 or visit the website to register or with questions about the tissue donation process.